Sunday, February 28, 2010

I can't stop drinking ..... John Wilkes Booth's and Tito's Vodka

One of my favorite bars here, Apothecary, is one of those bars where you tell the bartenders what you like to drink and they fix something up on the spot. I was there on Friday when they first slid one my way and then back Saturday just to have this drink, the John Wilkes Booth. How an 80 proof liquor mixed with scotch without any other liquid ingredients can taste so good and have absolutely no burn is pure magic. ROOT, the basis for the drink is brewed here in Philly and is fucking delicious with ginger ale too. The other thing I can't stop drinking is Tito's vodka. I have two of our faithful readers to thank for this one: Smore and Virginia put me on this a few weeks ago. I think I'm going to start calling it Valtrex, because there's no burn. Tito's is made in Austin, which is just one more reason Mike is a moron for not going to law school there and one more reason my kid will be only filling out one college application, UT's. For those of you in Philly, it's in the state stores now, and it's an f'ing steal at $30 a half gallon.

Monday, February 22, 2010

I can't stop ...... declaring war on other blogs

In a battle of sheer will and attrition, Mike and I won our first blog war with our friend Chris and his fledgling attempt at blog supremacy when he declared Bip-Bip dead two weeks ago. Now, there's a new foe, and he looks to be a formidable one. This schmohawk is inspiring terror and inviting mayhem by posting pictures with Nic Cage superimposed in them at an alarming rate. This can be seen as nothing less than an open act of war. His end goal appears to be nothing less sinister than having everyone see Nic Cage, no matter where they look. If that's not a terrorist act, I don't know what is (though the same could be said about the kamikaze pilot from Texas and no one seems to notice, and no Mike, I'm not stealing your idea regarding that since the conversation never happened). The owner of this blog is deliberately trying to haunt all of our dreams; he needs to be stopped. The about me section of the blog alone shakes me to my core, despite its likely sarcastic intent. Nic Cage is no laughing matter and much like the Ebola Virus, should not be used for any purpose unless the purpose is directed at eradication from the planet. Hopefully what this blog lacks in following (approximately 1/100th of his), we can make up for in united and unbridled hatred of one of the worst men alive. So let's hoo-ride on these fools at their own bar-b-q Young Buck, Ludacris and TI - Stomp

For quite possibly the worst-reasoned diatribe about why Nic Cage sucks, see here.

I cant stop...listening to Phatogram (again)

So a few weeks ago I put up Mouth Full of Diamonds, a single by Phantogram. At least one of you liked it. Anyway, their album finally came out and it is pretty...pretty good. Here is the thing though - I know people think the album is dead and what not, but this is actually a real album. By that I mean its hard to just pick songs and play them and know that you will appreciate them. You really have to listen to the whole thing to appreciate it (or at least thats my opinion). The other thing is you have to listen to the songs more than once. Much like hanging out with Josh, the first few times you may be annoyed, but eventually you realize they are amazing.

Phantogram - When I'm Small

Phantogram - Running from the Cops

Phantogram - As Far as I Can See

Phantogram - Bloody Palms

(Josh here. Have to give Mike dap for this find and the back-handed compliment I guess - the album really is tight. Thought the post would be remiss if this song didn't make the cut) Phantogram - Let Me Go

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

I can't stop listening to ...... two artists that remind me a lot of Amy Winehouse

So here are two artists, one brand new (in fact they don't even have an album out) and another that I rediscovered on my trip to Durham this past weekend. The first two tracks are by an artist named Nikki and Rich. They're in the process of recording an album, but so far, I really love the sound (and Nikki's look). Some may say that it's a rip-off of Winehouse and Ronson, but even if there was anything wrong with that, I think they have a slightly different sound. The two tracks, Cat and Mouse, and Next Best thing have been getting constant burn since I first heard them. The second artist is older, in fact her album came out last year. Adele, although sharing her native country with Winehouse and similar vocals, has an album with much less of a doo-wop and jazz influence. This album had been collecting dust until a friend in Durham put me back on her. Enjoy

Nikki and Rich - Next Best Thing

Nikki and Rich - Cat and Mouse

Adele - Cold Shoulder

Adele - Chasing Pavements

Adele - Right as Rain

Adele - Tired

Monday, February 15, 2010

I can't stop...wondering what the fuck is wrong with our country

I love this country. I really do - I give it a hard time, but that's only because I love it and I expect nothing but the best from it. But increasingly I am wondering what the fuck is wrong with us. I know that most, if not everyone, reading this blog has a similar world view, so in some senses this a masturbatory exercise, but I thought I'd share the following ridiculousness with you all.

First, we have a poll where CBS asked people their thoughts on Homosexuals in the military. Then they asked people how they felt about Gay Men and Lesbians in the Military. I always thought the two groups were composed of primarily the same people. Evidently America disagrees.

Moral of the story - it's okay to be gay or lesbian. It's less okay to be a homosexual. It's ridiculous that we even care what sexual preference people have. It's even more ridiculous that we somehow think that sexual preference should determine whether people can serve our country. I guess we can hang our hat on the fact that we are more tolerant than least we have that going for us?

Okay, number two. I hate the Republican Party - I try not to say I hate republicans, but as an organization I find the Republican party unAmerican, racist, closed-minded, selfish and interested in only serving the interests of the upper-class or corporate America. The Republican Party's refusal to vote for anything the President supports reviles me and shows that they do not understand or care about the average American or improving life in this country. Anyway, I am not a huge Rachel Maddow fan, but she recently did a story showing how the Republican party is voting against policies they support simply because the President supports them and how they refused to vote for the stimulus package, but are taking credit with constituents for project funded from the stimulus. It's pretty shocking and is just further evidence that the organization's interest is not in support good policy but in acting contrary to our President.

Thats all. I'll go back to posting about Taylor Swift soon. I promise.

I can't thinking that ...... somebody up there has a sense of humor....

Upon getting off my Southwest flight from Durham, I was informed that I'd be receiving a Valentine's Day gift from the airline.  After receiving my Southwest heart-shaped magnet, this song came on about 20 seconds later on my iPod.  Etta James - At Last  After I had sort of digested what it meant that the only gift I'd be getting was from an airline, this song came on, two songs later.  Amy Winehouse - Tears Dry Own Their Own  You couldn't make this stuff up.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

I can't stop listening to .... two ladies who have endured some terrible stuff

There's been a surprising amount of decent music recently. Here are some tracks from two artists who have endured through awful shit. The first, Charlotte Gainsbourg, is a French artist who had a cerebral hemorrhage a few years back and nearly died. Her album stops short of being a concept album (though based entirely on her own experiences) but many of the songs deal with her ordeal. The second artist, Corinne Bailey Rae, is a British singer whose husband died two years ago of a drug OD. Again, many of the songs on the album deal with her tragedy. Unlike the Gainsbourg album, which although good probably isn't worth a buy, her album, The Sea, is definitely worth a buy. Enjoy. (Note: Apparently the Corinne stuff has been finicky so if it's not working, you can stream the album here.)

Charlotte Gainsbourg - Masters Hands

Charlotte Gainsbourg - Heaven Can Wait

Corinne Bailey Rae - Paris Nights, New York Mornings

Corinne Bailey Rae - Feels Like the First Time

Corinne Bailey Rae - Blackest Lily

Corinne Bailey Rae - Paper Dolls

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

I can't stop ...... fearing the Demon Sheep

Up until yesterday, I think my favorite political ad was this gem from when Mike and I were in North Carolina. Not sure why I loved it so much. Maybe it's the mischievous music and the mention of ED drugs. Maybe it's because I chuckle every time I think what it was like in the campaign war room when this ad was presented for his legally required approval. It's probably as simple as pigs in people clothing are just funny to me. For whatever the reason, Wasteful Walter Dalton has become the patron saint of scapegoats between Mike and I.

But now, there's a new contender to the throne... Carly Fiorina's demon sheep ad. While you can sort of understand the ad above being a little loony because it was for Lt. Governor in North Carolina, this one is for Senator of the most populous state in the country. Instead of an animal in people clothing, it involves a person in animal's clothes (there's a theme developing here). It's added another imaginary specter for the Republican party to deride, along with socialist takeovers, the possibility of Obama starting a nazi-like dictatorship, and government run health-care (but don't take away their gov't run Medicare), the terrifying Fiscal Conservative in Name Only, or the FCINOs. Eep. It's even spawned this Chuck Norris-like twitter account which is pretty funny. Here's the ad, enjoy it - if you're short on time skip through the first 2/3.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

I cant stop...admitting I'm wrong about a few things

Okay. So those of you that know me know that admitting I'm wrong is not my favorite activity. Its probably not in my top 5 favorite activities (we can speculate about what those are below, but we can agree that looking at picture 11 is certainly on that list). But I'm here to admit I was wrong...twice. Enjoy this moment while it lasts...I hope it doesn't happen again. Here goes my tale of being wrong...twice.

First. So I made some mistakes in law school. The lost year. Not going to SF 2L summer. Skipping Halloween 2L and 3L year. Thinking Tasa was a friend who might actually want to see me before I moved. The list goes on and on (we can also speculate about which of these was the worst and I have my thoughts - I'm sure you have your own). Anyway, I'm adding one that may rank in my top 5. 3L year the best band in the history of the world, the Hold Steady, were touring with another band, the Drive by Truckers. Naturally I bought tickets because seeing THS live is something of a religious experience for me. THS played first and it was a typically epic show - face melting guitar solos, Craig Finn being overly animated on stage - basically my mind was blown. But I didnt stay for the DBT. I had never heard the band, and based on the descriptions I'd heard I didnt think I'd like them. What a terrible, terrible mistake that was. Recently, I had the pleasure of being exposed to the DBT's music and it is great...really I cant stop listening to it great. So, I was wrong about DBT and I really screwed up by not staying to hear them live - there I said it. I've posted some of their songs below - I cant say I've had the opportunity to celebrate their entire catalog, but these are just the songs I've listened to so far that I love.

Second. Josh once told me about this female singer he was into - Santigold. I downloaded the Diplo/Santigold mixtape and hated it. This isn't surprising as Josh's success with musical suggestions is roughly equivalent to his success rate in the dating pool (rim shot!). Anyway, I wrote off the Santigold album as well, thinking it was more of the same. Well friends, I am here to say again, I was wrong. The Santigold/santogold album (there is some dispute about what to call her evidently) is pretty damned good. I was wrong about her and I would like to share her awesomeness.

And at the risk of turning this blog into, a special thanks goes to that nlpot Ms. Woods for showing me the error of the ways on these two artists - while you used me to move your stuff, listening to these bands made boxing, transporting and unloading your entire apartment by myself totally worth it. Oh, and thanks also for showing me the beauty of the beer coozie - another thing I dismissed but have come to appreciate as an essential aspect of proper beer drinking. And lastly, thanks for showing me that Oakland > SF, yet one more thing I was wrong about. Yes, I said it publicly. Oakland is better than San Francisco - people are happier, fun is encouraged and its actually diverse. And a man can get sameday service on his grillwork - what else can you ask for? (Note to everyone else, SF>where you are, its just that Oakland>SF>where you are). Whew...that was a lot - but I feel better. I hope I never have to admit to you, or anyone else reading this blog I was wrong again.

Enjoy the music.

Drive by Truckers - Two Daughters and a Beautiful Wife

Drive by Truckers - Gravity's Gone

Drive by Truckers - Outfit

Drive by Truckers - Decoration Day

Santogold - L.E.S. Artistes

Santogold - I'm a Lady

Santogold - Shove It

I cant stop...missing Josh


Sometimes bros miss each other. Josh misses me. I miss Josh. Without real internet access during the day I havent been able to share my every thought with him and as a result, I feel empty and alone and..its terrible. So, Josh, I just want you to take this opportunity to let you know you are not alone - the feeling is mutual. I cant even really express how I feel, so I'm gonna let R Kelly handle it. And just know, if I make it out this thug life, I'll see you again someday (like March 6, how does that sound?)

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

I can't stop listening to ..... Beach House

I got this album last week and have listened to it almost non-stop since with the exception of the occasional trip into the weird wild world of the shuffle and my obsession with the Corinne Bailey Rae album. The album is called Teen Dream. To be honest, I wasn't a huge fan of their previous albums, but this one has more of a pop sound and just has this dream-like quality to it. Check it.

Beach House - Zebra

Beach House - Norway

Beach House - Walk in the Park

I can't stop..... posting for Mike

Courtesy of my boy one take Drake, this song goes out to Alex from Mike.

Drake ft. Trey Songz - Missin' You

I'll probably catch shit for this but I'm going to do it anyway because Mike has more or less left me wounded and bloodied in the field at work the last two weeks while doing such menial shit as moving and studying for the bar. Mike, I'm steady missing you like a strike-out. Some might say, I can't stop missing you.

Monday, February 1, 2010

I can't stop ..... pondering the meaning of life

Methinks "ball" is the answer.