Wednesday, May 12, 2010

I can't stop ..... calling 7 year olds terrorists

It's been a long time (long time), shouldn'ta left you (left you), without a dope post to step to (step to, step to). Alright enough corny Timbaland references. Unlike Mike, after trips to Napa and home, I'm back like cooked crack. Anyone who knows me knows that I have irrationally strong fears of certain things, two of which are pre-teen beauty pageant participants and middle school cheerleaders. Running into a team from those cheerleading competitions will induce a cold sweat and cause me to freeze like a Vietnam vet having a flashback. The sight of those little militant girls with their clown make up on and shrill voices is enough to shake me for a few hours.

Well, the rest of my work day has just been shot (which is the reason I'm posting this now) because I just came across this, which combines both of those fears in a hair-raising and terror-inspiring two minutes.

After watching this, I'm left wondering who's more of a terrorist, these girls or Faisal Shazahad. Tough to say... I'm curious as to two things. First, where people think these girls will be at age 25( my guess: hitting their prime in the soft-core porn industry or living week to week as a professional cheerleader down on their knees, maybe literally, praying for a shot at bagging an athlete) Second, what should be done to the parents who allow, and I'm guessing encourage, participation in terrorist activities like this (my vote: forcing them to watch their child's eventual sex tape that is released in order to generate buzz for an upcoming reality show appearance in which they attempt to hoodwink some washed up celeb into "marrying" them by demonstrating their ability to eat an extra-beef kosher hot dog without chewing.)

1 comment:

  1. These girls are phenomenally talented. But I agree that it is, overall, quite frightening...on multiple levels.

    I want to point out that I was a middle school cheerleader, and I'm sure that's why you like me so much, Josh. We had over 300 girls try out for the cheerleading squad at my middle school; 18 made the team. I was fortunate enough to be on the squad all 3 years, serving as co-captain in 7th grade and 8th grade. You aren't surprised, are you? ;)

    In conclusion, despite your horror, give props to these girls for their incredible dancing skills. And be more open-minded. It's not nice to stereotype. [I would wink, but I think one wink per comment is enough.]
