Monday, March 22, 2010

I can't stop ..... declaring Victory

It seems like ages ago that Massachusetts did its best attempt to fuck us by electing Scott Brown and trample on Ted Kennedy's legacy, but miraculously, over a chorus of racial epithets, gay slurs, and screams of "baby killer," we have (nearly) universal health care. Is it ideal? No, but then any kind of reform in an environment in which Republicans are rooting for failure no matter what the cost and Democrats are willing to scuttle the entire effort because of minor abortion loophole, is near impossible so ideal wasn't a viable option. Moreover, even if the CBO is way off and the bill doesn't reduce the deficit by hundreds of billions, it seems to me worth some amount of government expenditure to insure 31 million additional Americans, but maybe that's just the socialist/nazi/antichrist in me. It's incredibly hope-inspiring that for once, the Dems grew a spine and refused to bow to opposition that ranged from gross mischaracterizations (by quoting the gross but not net cost of the bill) to the absurd (get your government hands off my health care but don't touch my government run Medicare) to outright lies (health care reform will put in place death panels). But that's not the only reason to declare victory, this is also the blog's 100th post, no thanks to the DMCA, which didn't take kindly to our Broken Bells post for some reason and forced Google to take it down. So fuck the DMCA as a staff record label and as a mother fuckin' crew. It's going to take a lot more than pulled posts and threats of copyright infringement to stop we can't stop won't stop.

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