Thursday, January 21, 2010

I can't stop listening to...a song I've never heard

Okay, so here at WCSWS, we strive to bring you the reader the latest in greatest in entertainment. It was recently brought to my attention by one Katherine Mary Konrad that my wife had posted a new song on Perez Hilton. I felt it was my obligation, nay my duty to make sure you had this song available for consumption as quickly as possible. In this instance, that means I'm linking it before I've even heard it (thank you slow ass work internet connection) because I am so confident that it will be a cant stop listening selection. Enjoy!

Taylor Kaplan - I just fucking love Michael (Today was a Fairytale)

PS - Couldnt embed the song, so you have to go to Perez's site and play it from there.

PPS - It was recently brought to my attention that my own sister did not know who Taylor Swift was. After I was done choking on whatever I was eating, I did some soul searching - I really felt like I had failed her. She was, after all the one who introduced me to Tribe, the Fugees and the perks of drinking 40s on the Esplanade and now I was left thinking that she had lost whatever it was she once had. I felt empty. I was worried - she is turning 30 in a few days and I thought maybe this was a sign of things to come as she aged - first it was a lack of general pop culture knowledge, next was incontinence and dementia. So I tried to save her. I played her some Fearless. I showed her the Kanye video. I tried my best, but I'm not really sure I captured her essence. I think we, as a community who care about each other, need to share our Taylor stories, media, etc with my sister so that she can retain whatever youth and interest in pop culture she may have had. So, please leave comments with your own links to Taylor-related things so we can help my sister out - she really needs it! Think of it as your birthday gift to her (and, since she hates all material possessions she will appreciate them more than real gifts). Please, help my sister.


  1. please tell me you showed her the t-swizzle video?

    i knit sweaters, yo.

  2. But wait, what is this song really about?

  3. in my defense... i can tell you about some pop culture... i usually work 12 hour days and when i don't work, the lasst thing i want to do os listen to some little girl whine about being in love at 13. REALLY? i would also like to add that i am worried about my brother. he usually listens to good and potentially meanibful music, but this new fangled obsession, or lust for, a young blond girl who thinks that she can sing a pop song about love makes me think he has been in law school too long and out of touch with reality. i can tell you about current events around the world, politics, human and animal rights, societies and cultures, but i must have missed this one. maybe the age thing means i can weed out what is important to me and not to tweens and hipsters in america? (not that i thought about it that much before). it is 8:15 pm denver time on friday night. this is the first chance to respond ive had all week and i am still at work! i know, partially my fault, but needless to say, i am in need of a 40 on the esplenade. better yet, a real drink at a real bar. not too many as i will be back at work in exactly 12 hours and 15 minutes to help people. so, i may not know taylor swift, nor have the time to right clever things and be as humorous as my not so little brother, but i have faith that if something important happens on mtv he will share it with me, then make fun of me for not knowing what happened. sadly, my dad knew about kanye and swift... but i digress, people interested in going to law school seem to have a lot more time to play on the internet than some of us, and good for them, they have worked hard for it and probably need to get back some semblance or reality... not that swift is reality, but i guess it's a start. in closing, I CAN'T STOP LOVING MY BROTHER, and when he marries swift, i'll pretend to jump on the bandwagon... mi- good enough defense for now? :)

  4. ps- i just re- read to my coworker, who did not think as funny and i noticed a number of types and spelling errors, right not write, etc. time for that drink
