Tom Caruana, some producer I've never heard of, has taken some of the Wu's greatest hits and laid them over revamped Beatles tunes entitled, Enter the Magical Mystery Chambers. It's not quite Grey Album / Danger Mouse quality ... some of the samples are sort of overworked or involve covers of the original and the concept isn't as unique anymore. Its biggest downside, by far, is that it doesn't contain a remix to Protect Ya Neck (which, for those of you who live near Mike and are able to get him, drunk or sober, to a karaoke bar, should be song request #2 after some random T-Swift track. You won't be disappointed by his performance, I promise). That aside, the album has its share of standouts (ODB spitting over "You never give me your money") and by using covers, some of the samples are fresh takes in their own right. All in all, it provides a new approach to the Wu-Tang headbanger. I downloaded it Sunday and it's been getting constant burn since then. I have no idea how long this will remain available on the interweb, seeing as the Beatles catalog is one of the most aggressively protected copyrights (Conan apparently cost his show
500 G's by playing Lovely Rita for Tom Hanks' intro music as a fuck you to NBC), but by only releasing it as a free download, I guess he hasn't given EMI much incentive to sue. You can download the mix
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