Thursday, October 29, 2009

I can't stop proving these haters wrong

For those that know me, the notion of a blog is something that I have brought up on more than one occasion - but I never started one because, well…I’m lazy (which will probably become a dominant theme of my posts – or lack thereof). Knowing me as they do, whenever the notion of a blog was brought up, the haters in my life (who double as my closest friends) told me it wouldn’t happen – so to all of my friends out there I say look at me shine now.

Anyway, I’ll keep this brief. Josh is feeling lonely, so he wants to reach out to all of you out the interweb to partake in some sort of dialogue. I want to use this blog as a vehicle for affirmation - I’m an insecure, self-doubting, unemployed, law school grad who may have some extra time on his hands and just wants the approval of his peers. Is that cool with you?

I think I have refined tastes in music, movies, TV shows and an uncanny sense for justice in all of its various forms. And yes, I believe I will marry Taylor Swift (or taylorswift13 for those of us in the know) once she converts to Judaism for me and allows my dog to act as the ring bearer in our wedding. (This all becomes moot if Kim from Matt and Kim becomes available and I can find a court to enforce the contract she signed on a poster stating that she was my future wife).

Beyond that – I thank the Birdman for putting this together, though Josh should probably be thanking me, as I’d say the over/under on the amount of media he consumes as a result of my suggestion is at 70%.

(Josh, the answers to your questions are: I’d pay $250 for him to smack a person of my choosing, $300 if that person was on my top 5 most hated list or has ever made an appearance on that list and $350 if it was you. And Guy Fiery is an okay choice, but seeing him hit Tom Brady on his restructured knee would be amazing – as would seeing him hit Rush Laimbaugh so hard that he had to start a cycle of pain killers that resulted in his re-addiction).

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